Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Rule of Parenting

I always wondered where the phrase, "Because I said So!" originated. But it is truly the first rule of parenting. Once you have established this as the rule of the house everything else seems to fall into place. Parenting is not negotiating. You may live in a democracy but your house should not be one. I know this isn't PC but believe me it works. I have told my neighbors I going to write a book on parenting and this is going to be the first chapter and basically the only one necessary to solve many problems. Kids need structure in their lives. Living in an benevolent autocracy is the way to achieve this. Parents need to be loving but they also need to be parents. Quit trying to be your kids best friend, be their parent. It is hard raising perfect children but someone has to do it. That is meant to be sarcastic before anyone thinks that I really think my kids are perfect.


  1. "because I said so" also trumps the constant flow of "why" that comes from their mouths. I have tried to reason with only child, answering all of the "why"s , but he has worn me down. Now I fall back on, "because I said so". The expression on his face is hilarious! I'll have a perfect child in no time!

  2. I think you could have a future in house-breaking for difficult and exceptional children. Better still, parent training for under-assertive parents.

    What are your fees?
